Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Which one should you eat?


"A time for everything..." -ecclesiastics-


One of my passions since young is to be an influential gourmet of all times. I just enjoy sampling food around. As long as there is a stall out there, i will drag myself there and give it a taste. Like it or not, i still manage to retain my bony slender body shape despite of my strong ravenousness.

It is just amusing to catch some funny looking cookies on my last CNY visitation. Weird looking cookies that i have spotted in one house.

A cow and a mouse

Guess that people nowadays are heading towards cute contemporary conception in their cookies making. Cartoon-ish cookies like the above really make you feel wicked and guilty if you eat them. They look so innocent. I think it is utterly bizarre and ruthless to eat that Mouse. But i think it is okay to eat that Cow. Cow is okay, Mouse is a no-no. Agree?

What...you don't eat beef meh.....you don't drink cow milk meh....=P


As long as there is a stall out there, i will drag myself there and give it a taste. Like it or not, i still manage to retain my bony slender body shape despite of my strong ravenousness.

This is so totally unfair.

By Blogger Xanthe Ang, at Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 6:26:00 PM GMT+8  


xanthe: lol...its fair only to some people, like me...LOL!

By Blogger Johnson, at Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 10:17:00 PM GMT+8  
