Saturday, January 17, 2009
Blue Painter


You just gotta believe this, i am given a One-Year-Free-Quarter-Meal @ Kenny Rogers Roaster. Yea, call me a Chicken Killer now. =P


The line, repainting my study room has always been in my 2008 commitment. One aim that i really would want to achieve yet i failed to carry out on last year.

Still and all, i have shifted this goal to this new year. And yes! I am on my way to fulfill this task. Trying to finish off before CNY.

Covering the edge.

Before i hand on to the roller, my initial thought of painting as an uncomplicated job. Regardless of how i view on it, painting, in real life, is not easy!

People who have phobia in height could scarcely do painting. You just cannot sidestep of using ladder stair. And yes, it includes me. It freaks me out terribly. Since young, I have abnormal fear towards high ground. I dislike roller coaster and so on. And i know i need to face this ladder somehow IF i want to paint my upper wall.

The height.

At the start, my whole leg was shaking like mad when i first climbed on it. Don't laugh. Thinking whether the step will break half way and i accidentally collapse and break my leg and die. And after a couple try out, i felt like standing on Eiffel Tower.

And realized i am no longer scared of ladder stair anymore!! Conquered! **cheer for me!**

Yea! Apparently, the identity of cicak man has gradually become visible in me.

Baby blue.

Anyhow, a little more left and i will complete my painting. Installing some furniture, arranging everything in order plus decorating some here and there.

Knowing that my Imaginary Study Room is converting into Reality Study Room, i just can't wait to get things done now!

Come and check it out during CNY visitation! =D
