Saturday, February 28, 2009
Just a tiny needle BAH


Someone please help me to tidy up my super duper messy study room~!


I'm on my highest tip yearning for God's merciful help now!!! Why? I have vowed to myself and to my "nagging" peeps that i will go for blood donation tomorrow. BUT i'm so so so afraid right now!

No, i'm not a coward. I'm just.....................DISLIKING it....Come to think of it, i should not be afraid of blood donation actually. In fact, Jesus, my Savior, has faced THREE huge nails pierced through His palms and feet. Yet, HE did not complain, unlike me~

The cruxifiction.

Yea, BIG nails man! Thus, i am not going to be 'chicken-ish' of blood donation anymore. After all, it is just a tiny needle right? Be bold!


My 11th commandment, "Thy shall not be afraid of needle.... i mean blood donation~" Hehe.. Buck up Johnson! Prayerfully i'm underweight so that i don't need to donate THAT much..wuahahaha

Don't laugh, you ever donate meh.....=P


I don't think Jesus was nailed in his palms...but his wrists... [My choir teacher told me I'm just sharing it with you =)]
Good for you for being able to face your fear..!! Thank God! And maybe someday I can do that too...=)

By Anonymous Janey, at Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 3:04:00 AM GMT+8  
