Is it actually that difficult to identify your own blood type? Yes, very difficult. Whilst i underwent my blood donation a week ago, i purposely requested the person whether is it possible to help me check what's my blood type.
"..boleh...." was what he said.
my poor finger~
Erm didn't take science in secondary school?? Can't be leh..we were all taught how to identify your blood type then...anyway, we both belong to kinda rare group...urs B+ and mine B-...hehe....welcome to the B blood gang...GBU bro..:)
By Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 12:03:00 AM GMT+8
---------------------------------------------------------- , atMr. W: lol...i did take bio arr...just that...DISLIKE it so didnt pay much attention to it. haha!!! Yours negative??...eee...cacat blood~~
By Unknown, at Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 12:28:00 AM GMT+8
hello from Buenos Aires Argentina, nice blog!
By Federico Zarco, at Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 2:46:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------hey, i can add your blog to my links, do you want ?
By Federico Zarco, at Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 2:49:00 AM GMT+8
Hahaha.. funny lar u... isit really pain? or injection would be even painful?
~~Ann G~~