Thursday, September 4, 2008


I am having Short-term memory lost. Which is definitely not a good news, because i might forget your name accidentally. 


These two words, Kenny Rogers have habitually popping up in my mind whenever someone asks me about my part-time job or even talking about tHe Spring. 

Again, Kenny Rogers was my first job of profession in my entire life. Why do i comment it as "profession"? Seeing that i have actually struggled persevered through the uncut one month plus in this workplace. Working and working and working. Eh, one month play play. 

In spite of all these, it has already been more than 8 months since the day that i left. Somehow, just recently, i have this wanna-work-again symptom. I miss Kenny Rogers like mad! 

*sigh* Reckoning back, i have known many good and friendly colleagues and gained much serving experience compare to other places. 

Above all, not to forget, i do miss the free set meal. The Quarter Meal, of course. 


Roasted chickens yea! The unbeatable chicken with its authentic tender meat. *slurp* 


Everyday of working in KRR, I get to eat free Quarter Meal. It's Rm15.90 per set k. Expensive. But because i'm a worker from KRR, i get it for free. So it's super duper worthwhile compared to some others franchise. 

Agree, Soon Eng? 

The Serving. 

As far as i know, the business there is now no longer that satisfactory and smooth as before. Still, i miss those moments of serving people and customers. Being a host, a server, a cook, a dispenser and even serving as a house cleaner, i enjoyed much. 

Every duty is so noteworthy and involved. 

Of course, it's not the pay that motivates me. Okay, it motivates me a littttlllllleeeeee bit. Also, I received more than Rm 100 bonus from KRR in my bank account, but i believe it's the passion that drives me, even until today. 

I miss the Roasted Chicken Kenny Rogers heaps. 

Even though, many times i was assigned to be the host, standing in front of the pulpit like a mannequin and waiting for customers for hours, 


I still enjoy it.

Can you sense my enthusiasm and get-up-and-go spirit now? *wink*


wow i cant believe i actually look good in that picture..

yeah now no customers anymore.. kicking people out because the sales has gone bad.. and i miss the chicken..

By Blogger MAMAMIA, at Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 5:59:00 PM GMT+8  


wow i cant believe i actually look good in that picture..

yeah now no customers anymore.. kicking people out because the sales has gone bad.. and i miss the chicken..

By Blogger MAMAMIA, at Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 5:59:00 PM GMT+8  


kacwey: lol... yeayea, to be honest, i miss the ROasted chicken more... more to say, it's FREE!!

By Blogger Johnson, at Friday, September 5, 2008 at 6:06:00 PM GMT+8  


Haha! Yea.. while you guys enjoy the bonus in your salary, I was having my pay cut out of meals... Anyway, I'm not going to be a waiter again.. Looking forward to other jobs like... PC Fair? Part-time draftperson? ...

By Blogger Ezekiel, at Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 1:04:00 PM GMT+8  


ezekiel: yea, i heard about your "bad" comments from Sugerbun, nvm nvm.. at least you "Earned" some thing yea....hehe

By Blogger Johnson, at Monday, September 8, 2008 at 8:05:00 PM GMT+8  
