Thursday, September 17, 2009
Endless Commitment


I'm loving eBay!


This guy ...

... may be just another ordinary senior citizen to you. I have never met him in person though. But one thing i know about him is, He was Pastor Richard Holland, the Founder of Melbourne's largest Church 'City Life Church'.

He passed away last year at the age of 89. What makes him such an inspiration to me is that at the age of 89, this old man was so so so passionate and still energetic in preaching the Word of God to the congregation!!

WoW!!! And that is awesome! Most of us are not even half or quarter of his age and we are already struggling and battling in our mind in giving up our faith and hope. Yet, Pastor Richard Holland, even till his final year of living on earth, he stated this:

"I will never never retire, but refire for Christ!"

And this is what I said, "Even until the last breath, we will still give Him the glory!"
