Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wrong Interpretation


I'm loving Dell even more! You will know the solid reason by next week.


If you know me well enough, you will agree that Please-massage-me-la is my second name. Somehow i become addicted to massage since two years ago. Can this be considered as a good addiction? =P

Cooperate massage?

This is where one snapshot from a different angle can lead to wrong interpretation when people see this. It looks so wrong bah~~~ Haha!!

thought of the day: Whenever you distress me unintentionally, just massage me for 2 minutes. I will then forgive you instantly. lol..!


Don't see anything wrong with this pic o...how is it wrong? Haha...

By Anonymous Mr. W, at Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 1:06:00 AM GMT+8  


MR W: Got arr...it looks so G*Y..lol

By Blogger Johnson, at Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 11:52:00 AM GMT+8  


haha.. er... haha... like dat i kenot massage u lo... it's wrong too.. haha.. jk.. =P

By Blogger ~Laura~, at Friday, May 8, 2009 at 2:11:00 AM GMT+8  
