Sunday, May 3, 2009
Outrun you


Duck or chicken? You choose.


As typical as Johnson is, I enjoy shattering eggs on people's head, particularly to those who are celebrating birthday on that day. Somehow i think that every birthday boy/girl deserves a splinter of egg or flour. Rather than standing still in front of the cake, surrounded by inactive humans, singing birthday song monotonously and doing the traditional birthday routine. It's so dead and colorless right?

This is where the word, Egg comes in and solves the problem. It makes your birthday complete and more meaningful at least.

20th Birthday Bash

Yet my naughty act will always come with the same pay back. Friends will seek revenge to sabo me whenever they can. The snapshot above was me, innocently sabo-ed by my friends last year. Yet it was a great memory!

It was an ordinary sunny day, 1st of May. Two of my friends had their birthday on the same morning. And as i have mentioned earlier on, eggs are always my best friends when it comes to Birthday bash. In spite of the fact that it was a Labour Day, i am still not going to abandon my "work".

However, my scheme doesn't always end properly as what i have planned. Lucky for you Shawn, you managed to outrun me this time. Hmmph!

New lesson captured: I must outrun Shawn. If not i will end up looking like a Paddlepop ice cream *again*

Who's next?


lol.. you guys always play lidat.. i dont like ler...

= (


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, May 4, 2009 at 9:33:00 AM GMT+8  


keith: haha...remember how i "treat" you during your birthday?..wuahaha...Memorable right? =P

By Blogger Johnson, at Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:30:00 PM GMT+8  
