Monday, April 23, 2007
An electrifying and agitation upcoming event!

As i've mentioned in my previous post that my friends and i are going to present a song during Swin Nite this coming Saturday night. I'd missed last year's Swin Nite. Can't catch a glimpse of the ambience yet. I'm thrilled and in high spirit. This morning i have taken the photo of the poster. Frankly speaking, this poster hardly caught my attention untill i noticed another ordinary unpatterned A3 paper sticked at the notice board. Here it is:


Take a closer look at the theme, "It starts tonight".

Each ticket costs around Rm 8.00, some of the SSSC (Swinburne Sarawak Student Council) members told me that we're going to have buffet style dinner. Mini snack bar set up to prepare food like Sushi, aloha don't ask me what's that, i have no idea. Only 180 people are allowed to go. Can't blame, cause it is held at Swinburne Auditorium low-class. Unlike last year our prom nite held at Civic Center which contained more than 300 people. The tickets start to sold today and before 3pm, the tickets left only 29 copies. Desperated goers???

Please grab your ticket now!!!

How's our band getting on? I went to Student Lounge and i saw the performance list and there were around 8 performers included ours. And aldrin said that they are skilled and experience. Guess he has pulled down our confidence from 73% to 37%. hehe... but to me, i'm quite happy to see all our band members though they have limited skills, but the eagerness to practice daily to make sure their part played well. Thanks! Avery who never know how to strum guitar has practiced day and night for his strumming. Aldrin who plays bass keep on practicing just to impress....... But our singers/singer, *unidentified human*, is not fully recovered yet from its' cough. It's definately worried that it might disappointed us. But after some short talk with it, i just told it not to worry to much but enjoy singing and commit everything to God. Hopefully it helps. We will be going to have few more practice before the night.

1st prize : Rm 150
2nd prize: Rm100
3rd prize: Rm 50
Consolation prize for every performers: Rm 50 (same as 3rd prize?? even you do soundcheck as part of the performance, you will earn Rm50 just like that?? )
**2 minutes can earn Rm50!! Worthwhile!!**

All the best pals! Remember that this is more than a performance, it is a humble beginning for us to start off with our talents and utilize it to the best for God. Cheers! Even if we only get Rm50, we still can makan Pizza together with the coupon provided. Haha..

Ok, i need some suggestions from you guys. We just found out that we need a name for our band. And Avery, Aldrin and I have been thinking for the whole afternoon just to get an unabashed band name. Aldrin suggested these, "Wonderful Band, cheeseburger, soundproof, my name is stupid." Imagine when the MC welcome us, "Ladies and gentle, present to you the next band my name is stupid!!!..." Haha.. These are what avery has suggested, " Got space?, Hotel california, eternal love, the hard rockers, the rock machine, Saddam Hussien". Lame right? Let's *Jing jing jing together**.

How bout mine? Wuahaha.. i suggested, "Soundcheck, The Chipmunks, Cho-soung-hui, Silent Mode, Please vote for them.." Imagine the MC says, "Ladies and gentlemen, let's me present to you the band Please vote for them!.." haha..
And we finally agreed with this band name, "Silent mode".. Nice? Do throw me some suggestions yea. I need it before wednesday. Thanks! Appreciate it a lot!

!! Vote for us !! Vote for us !! Vote for us !! Vote for us !!

**No further information of the song or clips to be revealed here. Be patient untill Saturday k. And i will upload the video in too.

Tittle-tattle: I just started my first AutoCAD tute. And i was blurred for 3 hours! Someone please save my life!!


Really hope to do well this Saturday. No screw ups, please! Hehe...

And let's hear those suggestions, guys.

By Blogger saykhia, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 1:40:00 AM GMT+8  


wah,u know i am just impress by the courage you guys's really something great to sing on Swinburne Night...i wish you all the best! just try ur best and worries;)
Erm, as for the name of ur band, i leave my suggestion here:
*Amazing Us/Amazing Four(depend on your numbers)

By Blogger Esther, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 8:56:00 AM GMT+8  


Erm.. Seems that you had forgotten someone... Someone that strums the guitar all along the song... Hey Johnson, you had forgotten your rhythm guitarist... My suggestion for our band... Cooked & Fried/Sweet & Sour/Lemon Lime/Apple & Orange.

By Blogger Ezekiel, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 10:29:00 AM GMT+8  


Saykhia: Yeayea, hope that we do well! And more weird names to be known soon!

Esther: Then u should go swin nite too, added one more vote for us! Err.. AMAZING six? haha...

Ezekiel: Apalah, kejar nama still. Ok.everyone and not forget our muka tebal rhythm acoustic kejar nama guitarist! Eh, seems like u into eating mood? Everything food food. Will consider it. Thanks!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 10:34:00 AM GMT+8  


Getting confuse many of u r there exactly in the band? 6? 4? Well, rather than F4, U can have G6? Hahaha...or ALIVE!! Or...tell me how many of u then easier to suggest...but Alive is nice...maybe I should patent the name before anyone uses it...hehe....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:11:00 AM GMT+8  


Getting confuse many of u r there exactly in the band? 6? 4? Well, rather than F4, U can have G6? Hahaha...or ALIVE!! Or...tell me how many of u then easier to suggest...but Alive is nice...maybe I should patent the name before anyone uses it...hehe....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:18:00 AM GMT+8  


Mr W: We have 6 members. Alive?? Oh man! kinda funny and weird. "LEt's welcome ALIVE!" ... any others??

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 7:25:00 PM GMT+8  


How bout "THE LAMERS"

By Blogger Evonne, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 8:58:00 PM GMT+8  


darn... can't make it... will be in Lundu during tat time =(

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 10:42:00 PM GMT+8  


evonne: Wad??..tat's suit u..not me la..

Dwinz: So sad.. nvm, i will post up the video!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:01:00 PM GMT+8  


my coach ever told me. 'plz don't always think that u will lose even before you start a competition. even though you know that you are not as good as others. Always do to the best that you can.'

Hey. All the best in your swinburne night performance and enjoy. Pray that God will make some noise into wonderful music. cher...

bout the name... erm... no idea. but if u ask me to choose from all the name u listed in your blog + comment. i prefere silent mode still.

By Blogger pmp, at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:58:00 PM GMT+8  


will u still post up the video if u did something memalukan in the video..?

By Blogger Eric, at Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 12:54:00 AM GMT+8  


Eric: Of cas as i have promised it. Seems like you predict the performance will be teruk?? ..ohno... (sit at other table plz..)haha

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 2:50:00 PM GMT+8  
