Singing or choral speaking ? Nah ... **shake head**
4 days before Showtime.
2 days before showtime!!!
Take note:
Ooo....seems like a great event coming up from u bro. Well, U din tell us the venue...time only not enough...I do hope that u can win the RM10k then U can offer to church building fund...kakaka...anyway, do hope that u enjoy ur practice heaps and of coz have a blessed time on the real day. Gambateh!!!! Sure u can do well!! :)
By Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 11:36:00 AM GMT+8
---------------------------------------------------------- , atHey, I got the video of me doing "private & confidential de" in my phone... If post on in ur blog duno what happen hor..
By Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 1:15:00 PM GMT+8
---------------------------------------------------------- , atheh johnson...have u seen limkokwing's advert about their cat themed 'suprise' at the street parade? it was in the borneo post today i think. seems like we have another serious competition...haha
By Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 5:41:00 PM GMT+8
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mr W: thanks dude, yea we are working very hard this few days...Do uphold us in prayer. We need sufficient stamina, strenght and the most important of all, enthusiastic teamwork spirit !!
Ezekiel: you gave miss melinda to tengok the video?? she saw it somewhere and somehow.. haha..
Abubu: yeayea, i read it on Sunday morning, they will present something macam CAts de.. 40 cats from limkokwing.. we need to work hard !! strong competition !!
By Johnson, at Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 11:53:00 PM GMT+8
Hey. Work hard everyone. This might be once in your life time only.
I joined this parade before. Really tiring. Walk for such a long distance and have to perform when reach padang merdeka some more. But just want to say. 'Do enjoy' and 'Do all your best'. Jia You ya. Be excited for it!!!
Make sure what you guys perform is music not noice ya. Later kenak stone by ppl beside the road. hahaha
Work hard.
By pmp, at Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 12:47:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------yo...stomp kucjing...what wing ar? i oli know the 14 junkers who are from swinburne... they want to stomp the kuching bo....haha...and i know they all work very hard on it... for me they are the best... oli left 3 day...then must work hard and have more practise... DO the BEST and GOD will do the REST... :)
By Yong Tiong Yieng, at Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 9:12:00 AM GMT+8
This seem really exciting! wow, can see how much efforts you all have put in;) so three words for all of you "Go For It". guys are cool;)
By Esther, at Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 11:02:00 AM GMT+8
Hahaha..I believe that as long as we had did our best, everything is not wasted..Gambateh JUNKERS!!!We can make it..I know everyone is tired or some may wanna give up..Do remember that I do appreciate your hard work..ENJOY!!
Bless you all... =)
By JuDiEtH, at Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 1:47:00 PM GMT+8
Pmp: thanks, dont worry de.. our custome make music sounds very keng de. Pray for us!
Ah yieng: Yea, kinda tired for this 1 month but if worth every single sweat.
Esther: Support in words only arr.. come and watch arr ..LOL
Judieth: Pray too
By Johnson, at Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 12:36:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------Great is not because of victory but Great is because of what we have work on so much and the price that we have paid for it. Great is because of what we have done our best of the best.
By Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 12:42:00 AM GMT+8
---------------------------------------------------------- , atAmazing... love the idea of using recycled bins etc as your srumming instruments. Where will the performance be at?
By Dwinz, at Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 11:35:00 PM GMT+8
Melvin: Nice phrase. Stongly agree with that. Keep your momentum up.
dwinz: Thanks. It will be held in Padang merdeka. But the street parade starts from jubilee ground.
By Johnson, at Friday, August 3, 2007 at 2:32:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------ohyesterday is better than the previous time that i the best then u ppl can win the '4 telur' but watergirl didt ke lian...haha...All the Best to u all...God Bless U all...:)
By Yong Tiong Yieng, at Friday, August 3, 2007 at 8:50:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------hey dude! hope u can win in the competition.. i can go through the tough surgery so that u guys can win the strong competitor also!! Gambateh!!
By Unknown, at Friday, August 3, 2007 at 8:03:00 PM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------Sounds and Looks intresting! All the best! wish i was there to cheer on! haha All the best!
By dmr, at Friday, August 3, 2007 at 10:43:00 PM GMT+8
Tiong Yieng: haha..water girl is so important la..Hopefully we can do our best
Qq: may the peace of God be with you. Thanks for the support
Dmr: haha.. now worries, just fly back.. haha
By Johnson, at Saturday, August 4, 2007 at 1:36:00 AM GMT+8
I managed to watch a few seconds of you guys' performance in the streets when you marched by my contingent =P
I have yet to see your actual performance, but I am sure you people did well. Hehe..
By saykhia, at Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 5:48:00 PM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------Haha.. cool.. so funny la de pics. say urself teacher pula. haha.. de eric's pic and wui jie's 1 oso funny la.. haha.. good job, teacher johnson!! haha.. ;p
By ~Laura~, at Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 11:44:00 PM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------It seems that you guys really worked hard for the parade ^^ Your performance are quite cool too using the recyclable can and stuff :P I'm from the Anime Club ;)
By Monday, August 6, 2007 at 9:27:00 PM GMT+8
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WOw johnson
good job , got win any prizes that day ??
i missed the performance that day but i think it is funny ...
By Monday, August 6, 2007 at 11:37:00 PM GMT+8
---------------------------------------------------------- , ateveryone: thanks for dropping by. Yea, awaiting for my new post, i wil post about it.
By Johnson, at Tuesday, August 7, 2007 at 1:07:00 AM GMT+8
----------------------------------------------------------still waiting neh... waitin fer the video hahahaha